Monday, May 4, 2009

It's been UMMM..... a long time!!

So i'm not doing very good at keeping our blog updated.... oops!! So heres the update now.... We'll start from youngest to oldest... Gaige, is almost 6 months old already!! I can not believe how fast time flies!! I never believed people when they would say that kids grow too fast!! Well I do now!! Gaige is learning to sit up by himself, he does really good until he gets excited then he tips over. He doesn't like to roll very much (I think its cuz he's a CHUNK), he loves to talk and smile. He totally thinks he is carrying on a conversation with you its cute. He is a very smart baby as well he thinks he needs to do what big brother is doing... example... when Skyler is drinking out of his sippy cup Gaige thinks he needs to too so he trys to take it and some times is successful ;). He loves to explore anything and everything!! We think he is starting to teeth... he gnaws on everything!! We have started feeding him baby food and he LOVES it... He loves to take bathes and be in the water... he'll enjoy memorial day weekend... we are going to Lava. Gaige is a very good baby!!
Skyler just turned 2 at the begining of April, and believe me he is most definatly a 2 year old!! The terrible twos are oh SO much fun!! Some days when he's being really naughty I tell him that if he doesn't be nice that I am going to sell him on ebay... he looks at me like I'm crazy!! I wouldn't trade him for the world. Although some days it sounds like the easy way out!! Skyler is getting really good at talking, I love it!! We are starting to be able to understand him more which makes things so much easier on both ends... Skyler loves to play outside and to try and wrestle Gaige, he just doesn't understand that Gaige is still to litte... He loves to watch pretty much whatever comes on the disney channel, plus spongebob. He loves to try and help daddy fix things. He mimics his daddys every move its so sweet!! Even tho Skyler has is naughty days he for the most part is a very good toddler.
Me.... hmmm... not too much to say about myself.... I'm just watching kids in the morning and doing hair at night and on weekends... I just started making bows and doing stuff with beads... I'm trying to be more crafty.... I love doing crafts and making things so I'm trying to get good at them... I do laundry and clean my house every day of my life.... but the best part is I am able to stay home with my 2 boys!! I wouldn't trade that for the world!! I am still working towards my goal at loosing 50 pounds!! So far i've lost almost 10 pounds!! I drag my husband out of bed every morning to go for an hour walk with the boys and I!! I love being a mom its the greatest blessing!!
David, he is still working at life time taking apart machines and fixing them. He loves what he does!! He wishes that they would pay him a little more, but everything is on freeze right now!! He decided a couple days ago that he wants to go back to school to become a physical therapist assistant and then after getting that he wants to continue on and become a physical therapist!! We are super excited about that!! He is planning on starting this fall, it'll be really good for him. He loves to play with Skyler and Gaige in his free time... He is such a good daddy!!

Life has been super busy at the Joos house!! We just recently painted our kitchen and frontroom as well as the hall way!! It looks SO much better than it did a year ago when we bought it... i do need to make all new window valances tho... I am really going to try and get better at blogging!! Also we just got the boys pictures taken so I will post them.

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