Thursday, August 27, 2009

I need to VENT!!!

So about two weeks ago my dad went in and got his tonsils removed. Well a couple days later he went back in to the hospital becuz he started bleeding really bad... They then had to do TWO more surgeries to fix the problem... they did the first surgery and he was in recovery and started to wake up out of the anesthetics (spelling?) and started coughing and it started all over again bleeding so they did another surgery.... so he pretty much was starting all over. He was starting to feel lots better he said his ears were hurting him super bad but, I think that's normal when your healing from getting your tonsils removed... I remember mine did when I got mine removed... it is a awful feeling.... any who... I was getting all the kids lunch today when my mom called me crying telling me that dad was in surgery again and they couldn't get him to stop bleeding.... the doctor came out after he was done with the surgery to tell my mom that it looked like a steady stream of blood that just kept flowing and he couldn't get it to stop until he coddered it (not quite sure what that is.... burning it together instead of stitching maybe?) so last I heard he was in recovery.... the doctor says it shouldn't happen again... but thats what they said before!!! he's lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks and has had FOUR surgeries total just to remove his tonsils!! its so frustating because it should have been fixed the first time!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Park City!!

So since our lives have been way crazy the last couple years David and I haven't been able to really go and do anything by our selves... plus we just like to do things as a family... we like having our boys with us... but a couple week ends ago we had some us time and it was really fun... we took the boys to my parents house friday night and then we went and got some dinner from taco bell and then found a hotel... saturday we woke up and went to park city for the day... it was really funny because we would go in to the outlets looking for things for us but we ended up buying nothing for ourselves but completely spoiled our boys!! its kinda funny how your priorities change after you have kids... but we had a blast spoiling them... after spending most of our day in park city we decided we missed skyler and gaige too much so we went back and got them... my brother and his wife and two kids were here from washington because cody has to go back to iraq so his wife moved back here to utah while he's gone... anyways... we decided we werent done having fun so we went with them bowling at sparetime family fun center in roy... we did galactic golfing and bowling which was entertaining because Skyler and Kaiden thought it was fun to keep picking up our balls... (cody and sue have a two year old Kaiden and a 2 month old Kyleigh) we also did the batting cages... we had so much fun and it was hard watching my brother at the airport the next day which was sunday... he had to fly back home to washington to take care of military stuff before he leaves... Sue just flew there today to help with everything so I have the opportunity to have Kaiden and Kyleigh for the next couple days... so far it has been way fun!!! Skyler and Kaiden are buddies and they play very well together... and Kyleigh is still too little so she just sleeps a lot.... Gaige thinks its funny to steal her binky... I think he thinks its his... good thing he doesn't know his colors yet because her binky is PINK!! I love being a MOM its the greatest think in the whole world!!

I REALLY need to stay on top of this!!!!

So life is mega crazy as alwayz!! I really need to stay on top of our blog!! I alwayz have SO much to stay but by the time my kids are in bed I am BEYOND exhausted.... I spend my day chasing toddlers... I watch a couple kids at my house during the week... its such a blast... but on top of doing day care I'm trying to start a business plus be a full time mommie and a good wife... some times I think having a job outside the home is much easier than staying home cleaning cleaning and cleaning some more plus doing laundry and hair and playing with my kids its exhausting... plus to top it all off and if my life wasn't already crazy enough a couple weeks ago I was called to be the 2nd counsler in the young women's presidency!!! I'm way excited but kinda really nervous all at the same time... anyways... I have lots to tell every one... we'll start with the baby!!

Gaige is 9 months old now and weighs about 17 pounds... he is a chunk!! Gaige has been crawling for a while now.... I call him my crazy crawler because sometimes he crawls so fast he looks like he's drunk... its so cute!! he thinks he is a big boy!! he wants to be right in the middle of what big brother is doing.... he likes to steal food from the 2 year olds that I watch... he has totally given up on baby food.. he thinks he needs to eat whatever everyone else is... he likes to collect binkys and carry them all around at the same time... he can pull himself up on to EVERYTHING!!! and believe me he DOES!! he likes to climb on things already!! we've nicknamed him our Monkey!! umm..... lets see what else.... he has his two teeth on the bottom (i'll have to post pictures) he has been teething since he was like 4 months old they are just taking for like freaking ever to finally pop thru!! Gaige loves to be out side!! If he could be naked in water outside with his binky he'd be the happiest little baby in the world!! he says mama and dada and loves to blow rasberries... all in all our little Gaige is not so little anymore its so depressing!!!

Skyler is 2 1/2 years old and barely weighs 26 pounds!! ( we keep trying to convince him he needs to eat more than just milk or his baby brother is gunna out weigh him.... and soon!! he he) Skyler is a very active little boy!! He thinks he is hilarious!! he loves to play outside with his buddies... he has become mega obsessed with monsters inc!! he calls it "boo kitty mike"... everytime I ask him what he wants to watch he alwayz says "mom watch boo kitty mike" I swear I could quote the whole stinking thing... things we do for our kids!! Skyler is still afraid of the potty... I think he thinks its gunna eat him or something... he he!! Skyler is getting really good at his colors and can count to 3!! he is a smart little bugger its amazing the things he knows!! he is just like his daddy he catches on to things very quickly!!! Skyler thinks its funny to mimic people... and remembers EVERYTHING!!! example: a couple months ago one of our fish died so david flushed him... well skyler saw him do it so now every time some one is in our bathroom he alwayz has to tell them how daddy flushed the fishy!! what a stinker!! Skyler is getting so big too... his vocab is getting better I'm starting to understand more of the things that come out of his mouth.... one day I am gunna wake up to him carrying on a whole conversation with me!! David weighs.... ha ha just kidding!! David started weber on monday... and so far is enjoying it!! Pretty much our little family is just growing up so fast its depressing!!