Friday, October 16, 2009


All these pictures were taken from my phone some are better than others so bear with me!! I have the sweetest boys EVER (husband included)!!!

I bought the boys brand new jammies the other night aren't they adorable?!?!
When we bought our dishwasher we also splurged and bought a new fridge... this is our old one I had just got done scrubbing it and Gaige decided to climb in to it!!

Sitting on the kitchen floor eating cookies from daddy at like 11:30 PM!!! yes my boys don't like to go to bed especially SKYLER!!!! He thinks he needs to wait for daddy to get off work!! I'm praying he is able to get this new job!! I want my husband home at nites!!!

I love this picture!!! Gaige loves to scrunch up his whole face and laugh!! Its hilarious!!

Gaige under the toddler table!!
Gaige fell asleep eating cocoa puffs!!

Skyler and Gaige going for a ride in our basement on Skylers battery powered four wheeler!! They love this thing!! Skyler rides it all over the house!!

This is what happens when daddy is home he teases the boys... Gaige acted like it didn't even bother him... all he wanted was his bottle... I had just put the pan on the stove to start dinner one night and I turned around to turn it on and there was a baby in my pan!! Daddys are so funny!!

Our Chunky Monkey!! He thinks he is the funniest baby ever!! We bought a new dishwasher last month and this is the box from it....

Skyler and Cousin Kaiden taking a nap together!! This is where they both slept for a week while my brother and his wife were getting things ready for him to deploy again!!

These are the rest of the pictures from syracuse park a couple months ago.... Jayden driving!!

Skyler thinks he is hott stuff driving daddy and cousin Jayden... I'm sure Daddy won't look this calm 14 years from now!! ;)

Gaige helping daddy drive!!

Davids DREAM car!! HE HE HE!! He keeps me laughing!!

Daddy and his boys!! He is such a perfect daddy!! He would do anything for these two boys!! I'm SO blessed!!


Jacob and Emily said...

What cute pictures! I love the one with the baby in the pan.

Heather Colletti said...

Wow David looks exactly the same as in high school. Your little boys are so cute!