Saturday, January 3, 2009

Our Newest Family Picture!!

David LOVES being a daddy!!! The little stinker says to me the night we brought Gaige home from the hospital "and how long do we have to wait to have another one?" He is always giving his two little boys kisses, he says he just can't get enough of them... and he tells me all the time I have to try and get Gaige to like me more than mommy becuz Skyler likes mommy more... which I think its a figment of his imagination....

Isn't it CUTE? UGH!! I wish after you had a baby all the weight would magically fall off.... ya ya I know wishful thinking right? Although I do have to admit I have the 3 best looking boys in the world!! Its the craziest thing when you become a Mommie you instantly become attached to your little ones so fast!! I would do anything for my boys!!

1 comment:

Chase and Marcie Joos said...

you guys are so dang cute! I love it!!