Thursday, September 3, 2009

Roy Days Booth!!

So a couple weeks ago my friend and I did a booth for our bows that we make. Here is a few pictures from it... we had over 300 bows and flowers... we made every single one too... we are having so much fun!! I have SO many cute ideas...

LOTS of flowers...
Flowers.... and little barrettes...

Here's some of our Korker bows we had...
Starburst bows
AND MORE BOWS... most of these are our starburst ones.. (the ones on the left)


Skyler also spent all night throwing up!! He was such a good little boy the whole time we were there. it was like 12 hours long.. it makes for a way long day when its so HOTT out side!!
Gaige is such a happy go lucky baby!! He spent all night the night before throwing up so I am amazed he was so happy!!

Ashley and I in our booth... (please don't laugh I look dorkie)

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